Calling on OBAMA, Calling on OBAMA, Calling on OBAMA! Finally our culture is ready for the first Black American President and we are all hoping that he is successful, as we all want to believe again! This man, Barak Obama, was born to run, born to win, and born to be the biggest sensation to hit the White House in modern time. He with his election committee is like the Beatles. Obama is the rock star likened to John Lennon. We are listening.
Obama was born with a talent to listen, to show empathy, and to be attentive while making people feel a part of something bigger. Even on the playground as a youngster, he played with the group for the common welfare in that sandbox. At Harvard Law School, Obama was appointed the president of the law review after winning an overachievement award. Conservatives as well as liberals voted for him. During this time in the 80’s and political correctness, this honor was the first bestowed to an African-American in the school’s history. Obama has a gift of making even the smartest and most talented feel righteous by supporting the Obama wave of change. It’s no wonder that 95% of the Black Americans, 43% of the Hispanic minority, 35% of young people and 37% of Women, who registered, cast their vote for this star. Apathy took a pause, replaced by an enthusiastic yes we can and yes we did vote for change.
He was already a senator when the elections came around. His message of hope and change, we can do it, yes imagine like Lennon became the image. Obama is young, vibrant, with a “can do” attitude; he commands an exciting interest to a dulled, Bushwhacked society. The blah, blah, blah political rhetoric we had become accustomed to become a Clint Eastwood coming through the saloon doors, confronting the bad guys, declaring that the party is over. Clink, Clink, Clink. There is no trepidation in this man’s stance or his walk. Obama has a prudent reserve of energy and takes his commitment to a new level of integrity. His dedication to his wife and family is certain. The adoring eye gazing with his wife conveys that this is a man with no fear of intimacy, which is attractive to common and sophisticated men and women. He becomes trustworthy and believable. The internet was tested with this campaign, as it was the coming of age for this tool for reaching a broader spectrum of people and Obama and his band knew how to use it.
Obama was born with a talent to listen, to show empathy, and to be attentive while making people feel a part of something bigger. Even on the playground as a youngster, he played with the group for the common welfare in that sandbox. At Harvard Law School, Obama was appointed the president of the law review after winning an overachievement award. Conservatives as well as liberals voted for him. During this time in the 80’s and political correctness, this honor was the first bestowed to an African-American in the school’s history. Obama has a gift of making even the smartest and most talented feel righteous by supporting the Obama wave of change. It’s no wonder that 95% of the Black Americans, 43% of the Hispanic minority, 35% of young people and 37% of Women, who registered, cast their vote for this star. Apathy took a pause, replaced by an enthusiastic yes we can and yes we did vote for change.
He was already a senator when the elections came around. His message of hope and change, we can do it, yes imagine like Lennon became the image. Obama is young, vibrant, with a “can do” attitude; he commands an exciting interest to a dulled, Bushwhacked society. The blah, blah, blah political rhetoric we had become accustomed to become a Clint Eastwood coming through the saloon doors, confronting the bad guys, declaring that the party is over. Clink, Clink, Clink. There is no trepidation in this man’s stance or his walk. Obama has a prudent reserve of energy and takes his commitment to a new level of integrity. His dedication to his wife and family is certain. The adoring eye gazing with his wife conveys that this is a man with no fear of intimacy, which is attractive to common and sophisticated men and women. He becomes trustworthy and believable. The internet was tested with this campaign, as it was the coming of age for this tool for reaching a broader spectrum of people and Obama and his band knew how to use it.
Scene 2, McCain was saddled with George W. Bush’s Alfred E. Newman image of can’t count on Bush to do the right thing except to take us from being the number I superpower to number II, relinquishing the position to China. “In 2007 China contributed more to global growth than the United States, the first time another country had done so since at least the 1930s. It also became the world's largest consumer, eclipsing the United States in four of the five basic food, energy and industrial commodities.” The republicans had double trouble with more of the same spend, give me, not mine, no, no, no, and empty promises to contend with. Throw in a Sarah Palin running mate with her extreme hard right positions, complicated by her lack of knowledge on foreign affairs ended up contributing to the undercutting of McCain’s campaign theme. A wrecked economy, a saving and loans failings, a never ending war started with another motivated lie like the Maddox incident during the escalation of the Viet Nam War, and an astronomical deficit played into the republican demise.
Scene 3, Barak Obama now tells the good patrons in the saloon to sit back and grab the grip rails for its going to be a bumpy ride getting out of the mess left by elephants. Although, his hair has turned salt and pepper in a short time, his tireless work ethic now, as in during the campaign, has surely turned the country’s sail back into the wind. He imagined, we believed, he helped us visualize a new government so it will be. The remaining 8 years, yes he will have no competition, will be history.
Scene 3, Barak Obama now tells the good patrons in the saloon to sit back and grab the grip rails for its going to be a bumpy ride getting out of the mess left by elephants. Although, his hair has turned salt and pepper in a short time, his tireless work ethic now, as in during the campaign, has surely turned the country’s sail back into the wind. He imagined, we believed, he helped us visualize a new government so it will be. The remaining 8 years, yes he will have no competition, will be history.
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