Friday, May 1, 2009

And, finally...

New Rule: You can't win any converts to your side when nobody knows what you're talking about. The conservative base these days is absolutely apoplectic because...well, nobody knows. But, the big issues for normal people are the economy, the war, the environment, mending fences with our allies and enemies, and the rule of law.

And here’s the list of Republican obsessions since Obama took office: his birth certificate is fake; he uses a teleprompter too much; he bowed to a Saudi guy; Europeans like him; he gives inappropriate gifts; and his wife shamefully flaunts her upper arms. Oh, and he shook hands with Hugo Chavez and even accepted a book from him! Rubbing conservative noses in the fact that our new president can read!



  1. The perfect writing platform for someone who is full of Sh**

  2. The other things we obsess about is uncontrolled spending and deficits that are driving up interest rates, the beginning of the collapse of the dollar, which in turn is driving up the price of oil. You thought 2009 is bad. Wait till we get the year of the Obama 2010. We havn't had an adult in the whitehouse since 1992. Can we wait until 2013.
